The founders of Humanspan have built functional, visible, useable and compliant websites professionally since the mid 90s. We have maintained an annual 99.7 - 99.9% uptime for hundreds of organizations during this time. We have not succumbed to a business model that allows customers to "quickly build a website in seconds!" by "just clicking here." There are oodles of these, just Google it. A fundamental ingredient for success with your web presence is that you are unique and that you have custom functionality that sets you a part from your competitors. These companies now offer the "human touch" because they realized this with so many flocking away as soon as something complex or new needed to be done that didn't "fit within their template" or "WordPress" architecture. With Humanspan, you get access to our knowledge and help and better yet - our prices for Small Buinesses and Member Organizations are like these "Instant Web Site Now" companies and in the long haul your overall success in one form or another is our goal! If you need a website, click on the package below and we will get a hold of you and start digging in.
Besides having a great web presence, your web and mobile solution will also need to procure, offer services and utilize various interactive technologies for your constituencies. This will be molded around your specific business model. This could save you money operationally and provide 24x7 access to your services and products. We have designed, developed and deployed numerous custom applications while being fair and precise on cost when kept upon scope and working together. We have a fix-bid approach, with some down, some in the middle and the rest when completed and deployed and when our customers are totally happy. Acquiring us for this kind of project begins with a discussion. Reach out to us today and let's get started.